تاسیسات، ساختمان و تجهیزات صنعتی
شرکت تکنوبویلرشرکت تکنوبویلرشرکت تکنوبویلر
پلاک 313، طبقه سوم
شرکت تکنوبویلرشرکت تکنوبویلرشرکت تکنوبویلر

تکنو بویلر ارائه دهنده خدمات تاسیسات، ساختمان و تجهیزات صنعتی خدمات ما گامی بلند در جهت خودکفایی

Technoboiler Company

This company, was registered in the Registration Office of Companies and Non-Commercial Institutions of Tehran Province with registration number 28766 with a group of experienced engineers in 1977.

It is hoped that we will not spare any efforts to achieve this goal and take a big step towards the pride of our beloved country in all fields, especially construction self-sufficiency.

With more than 44 years of experience

After registering in 1356 and starting work, the company started its activity in the implementation of gas piping systems for residential, commercial and industrial units and after a while, designing, building and installing pressure reducing and increasing stations as well as the construction of storage tanks. It put oil in the refineries on its agenda. After completing the technical information in the field of oil industry, it started working in the construction and industrial equipment industry as a specialist.

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Successful projects

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The employer

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Certificates & Confirmation

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Certificates & Confirmation

More about Technoboiler

This company has the 4th rank in the field of facilities and equipment and the 5th rank in oil and gas. Therefore, in order to realize its long-term goals, it has started a wider activity than before. The old history of this company shows extensive activity in the field of construction.

اهداف و برنامه هاي نظير

• استفاده از توليدات داخلي، خصوصاً در زمينه محصولاتي كه توان ساخت آن توسط كارشناسان ايراني وجود دارد.
• حمايت از طرح ها وايده هاي علمي دانشجويان، صنعتگران و سرمايه گذاري جهت به الفعل نمودن استعداد های جوانان ايراني
• اشتغال زايي از طريق بزرگ گردن سالانه بدنه شرکت و انتقال تجربه به جوانان
• جذب بازار هدف و رقابت مفید با همکاران

Honored to work with

Contact Info

Tehran Province, Fatemi St. No. 313 , 3rd Floor

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